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Monday, January 24, 2005

Watershed protection planning group holds first meeting

The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority are conducting an assimilative capacity study for Lake Simcoe and the sub-watershed, the Nottawasaga River.
The inaugural meeting of the capacity steering committee was held in December, said Peter Tellefsen, manager of development services with the Town of the Blue Mountains.
He told council that before a plan can be created to protect the watershed, the study has to assess the impacts of development. Part of the TOBM is included in the study area.

- The Town of the Blue Mountains is assessing the council and committee meeting structures, spearheaded by David Creech, the recently-hired town manager, in an effort to run them more efficiently.

- The Town of Collingwood passed a motion Monday night to adopt the strategic priorities set out in the first phase of the newly-created plan, as well as commence work to finalize it.

"(We) went through the strategic priorities one by one," said Jay Currier, chief administrative officer.

"(But) we still need a fine-tuning of this strategic plan. Once it's adopted, those are your strategic policies for the next few years."

The town is planning to hold public meetings in the future to inform the community.

- A decision on the Collingwood sign bylaw has been deferred until next week. Town council wants staff to review the recommended changes.