Monday, June 02, 2008

Canada's Environment Minister Celebrates Canadian Environment Week

Canada's Environment Minister Celebrates Canadian Environment Week

Canada's Environment Minister, John Baird, today launched this year's Canadian Environment Week (June 1-7) and World Environment Day (June 5) by challenging Canadians to do more to protect and preserve Canada's environment.

"As Canada's Environment Minister, I share Canadians' passion for protecting our environment," said Minister Baird. "Canadians want to see their Government take a leadership role but they also want to do their part to protect the environment. That is what Canadian Environment Week is all about. It is an opportunity to focus on the impact Canadians can make towards a cleaner environment, healthier communities and a better quality of life for all."

In the last year alone, the Government has taken serious action to protect vast wilderness lands in our North, including an expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve, the protection of the South Nahanni River headlands, and major land withdrawals around the East Arm of Great Slave Lake and the Ramparts River and Wetlands.

The Government is also moving full steam ahead with its Turning the Corner plan to reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution, the toughest plan in Canadian history. Our plan will reduce greenhouse gases an absolute 20 per cent by 2020.

"Our Government believes strongly in ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for current and future generations," added Minister Baird. "That's why our environmental agenda is focused on conservation of our parks, protection of our wildlife, fighting climate change, and protecting and ensuring clean water for all of us."

The Government of Canada's commitment to Canada's environment is backed up with over $9 billion in environmental investments across the country. This includes major investments to protect Species at Risk across the country, and almost $100 million to help clean up environmental hot spots in the Great Lakes, as well as targeted action in places like Lake Simcoe and Lake Winnipeg, which are suffering from extensive blue-green algae.

"By working together to protect our environment, we can all make a difference," said Minister Baird. "By making even small changes to our lifestyles we can all help not just in our local communities or even across the country, but for our world as well."

For more information on activities taking place in your community this week, visit the Community Calendar available on Environment Canada's website